

    Our vision is one of living landscapes where farmers and communities prosper within regenerated ecosystems. Every crop we grow, or source is embedded in a broader, complex, and delicate ecosystem. Changes to one factor to produce a positive outcome can have negative impacts on other areas, 因此,推荐几个足彩外围app必须采取全面和知情的方法. The challenge is made even greater because many of the crops are sourced from third-parties.


    有这么好的平衡, it’s important to have a clear programme of activities and a consistent approach. We work with farming communities to explain the importance of protecting the ecosystems on which they rely, and train groups on the best approach to maintaining aspects such as soil health, 优化输入, 保护本地的动植物物种. 在推荐几个足彩外围app最新的年度报告中阅读推荐几个足彩外围app的一些举措. 


    We continue to review our own operations and supply chain, to make positive changes. 然而,推荐几个足彩外围app无法单独完成所需的更改级别. We are active in a number of sector-wide initiatives and are collaborating with customers to help them mitigate their environmental impacts.



    Managing palm plantations in a biodiversity rich country like 加蓬 requires extensive efforts to support and safeguard the country’s 自然 heritage.


    ofi has formed partnerships to halt deforestation and restore degraded land in the 巴西ian state of Pará.


    We speak with the co-director of the Goualougo Triangle Ape Research Project – a research project focusing on the behavioural ecology of chimpanzees and gorillas in the Congo Basin.


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